Working with Vintage Lenses
Hello! 2018 is starting off great. Most of my gigs have been narrative based, which has been a lot of fun. I recently worked on a new...

Bypassing time with Actor Reels
On my off days I usually end up booking Actor Reel shoots. It's pretty common in Los Angeles and it's actually really fun. The days are...

48 hour project in Seattle
Hello All, Back in March, I met with my buddy William Green who was in town for some late night wings and beer. He had recently moved to...

Working with the Blackmagic Ursa Mini 4k
Hello all! I wanted to do a quick write up on my work with the Blackmagic Ursa Mini 4k. My plan is to go more in depth with each post,...
More about what I do...
Hey Guys, It has been a while since I've last posted. My new plan is to share with you the gear I'm using, my lighting setups, and...

Blackmagic Video Assist
I recently picked up the Blackmagic Video Assist at the start of January. Upon opening, I felt how solid this monitor is made. I really...

New Year, New Jobs, New Gear
Hello all! Thank you for visiting my blog. I know it's been some time since I've updated it, and I apologize for that. I will try to keep...

AJA Cion: The Camera Nobody Talks About Pt 3 -
Hello all again! It's now been a few weeks since I've worked with the camera and wrote my last blog. I've had some time to sit and digest...

AJA Cion: The Camera Nobody Talks About Part 2
Hello! Yesterday, myself and 1st AC Jason unboxed the two Cions and begun prepping them. At first glance, I was extremely impressed with...
AJA Cion: The Camera Nobody Talks About Part 1
Hello All, In my attempt to be active here, I'll be writing on an upcoming music video I have on June 28th. For this video, I was able...